So it’s a new year and a new decade! Over the holidays, most of us would have overeaten, drank too much, had too many late nights, and parties galore — leading us to feel a little sluggish, perhaps even a little lazy. And why not? If there is ever a time to drop the routine — it’s the festive season. Though we thoroughly enjoyed it, we are glad it’s over!
Now it’s January; it’s time to get in shape, and let’s start to shine. Getting on the weighing scale can be a scary thought and looking in the mirror, equally so. Puffy face, dark circles, gray looking skin – a pimple or two. Oh no!
We reached out to the leading celebrity beauty expert Jamie Nicole Baca — who created ‘Overdose’ to advise you on how to maintain that perfect glow in 2020.
Not only is J. Nicole an award-winning — top-selling independent skincare specialist in the U.S, who produced products such as ‘Overdose,’ but she is also a skincare specialist to many big names in Hollywood.
So there is no excuse not to look fabulous in your Instagram pictures if you follow J. Nicole’s do’s and don’ts — and, 2020 will be the year for your skin!
First up, J. Nicole says it’s essential to exfoliate!
Do exfoliate 2-3 times per week perusing a cloth such as the MUE or the Clarisonic brush. However, don’t exfoliate with unstable chemicals such as glycolic acid and salicylic acid. Nicole says, use a lactic acid chemical exfoliation; this is the most compatible chemical for the skin.
Don’t strip your skin of its natural oils; those oils are there for a reason!
Do use oil on your face like a good vitamin E oil or even Vaseline occasionally. YES, I said Vaseline, aka petroleum jelly! This ingredient is 100% functional, and it can work wonders for the skin.
Don’t use products that contain fragrance, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Do use good retinol or Retin A on your skin; this is the ultimate growth factor for aging.
Don’t over complicate your skincare routine; your skin can only tolerate so much. 2-3 products per day should be all you need. Multitask!
“Overdose” — An all-in-One Facial Serum for Aging Skin powered by Bio-hybrid Technology®
Do make sure you have a water softener, Alkaline PH of water can cause skin irritations.
Don’t assume that natural or organic is better; always check if your product is made with shell creatures or nuts if you have those allergies.
Do break a sweat in your morning workout, the sweat contains a natural antibiotic and is an effective way to kill bacteria on the skin as well as flush toxins from the skin.
Do visit your skincare expert monthly! Having regular facials is recommended. Nicole suggests the microdermabrasion facial is one of the best ways to get the skin glowing.
Do try and stick to the same skincare brand to ensure that all the products and ingredients are working correctly. I created ‘Overdose’ for this very reason. Try it!
And above all, Nicole says, drink lots of water! Water is the fountain of youth. Drinking water is known to be the best and the most natural hydrating liquid. It promotes cardiovascular health, keeps muscles and joints working, and helps cleanse toxins from your body. Staying hydrated also helps balance your blood sugar, helps relieve headaches, and promotes healthy skin.
Find out more about J. Nicole’s products at J. Nicole Skincare.