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Why More IT Students Are Following Ron Sharon Into The Cybersecurity Field

Ron Sharon


Why More IT Students Are Following Ron Sharon Into The Cybersecurity Field

If the last 10 years has told us anything, it’s that people like Ron Sharon are on the right train of thought when it comes to developing and flourishing in an industry. The cybersecurity side of life has not always seen a tremendous amount of attention, until sometimes in the last few years. In the last few years, the notion and attention being paid to the various facets of cybersecurity have become more prevalent than ever in the wake of data-breaches, cyber-attacks, and general collapse of vital businesses.

All of which could have been avoided.

It’s instances like this that have illuminated the Ron Sharon’s of the world to consider taking up the mantle of cybersecurity and learning all they can to ensure that these breaches become harder and harder to implement. Where companies were once averse to spending a penny more than they had to on cybersecurity, the last few years have seen a tremendous flip in the opposite direction.

Why Cybersecurity Is Vital

For any business operating in an online capacity, cybersecurity is now front and center in terms of focus. In fact, they’ve become part of the foundations themselves for many forward-thinking businesses.

The dangers of online attacks are still being seen almost every day, when companies are not willing to put forward the proper funding or allotment of attention towards ensuring their data streams remain untouched and unhindered.

Having a presence who’s dedicated role is to ensure, secure, and bolster the bottom line is a wise move that is gaining popularity. Which is where the experts like Ron Sharon come in.

Forging A New Path

When Ron Sharon was younger, his attention was quickly drawn to the lack of cybersecurity measures being implemented, and it has been an uphill battle in convincing some of the older companies to start focusing on it. Through perseverance he has managed to start making headway, which has opened the floodgates for a slew of opportunities for young IT grads looking to make their impact.

More IT students are pursuing this pathway into the industry because, the demand is rising, the jobs are plentiful, and there is still so much development to be had.

You can follow up with Ron Sharon at or connect via LinkedIn @ron-sharon and follow on Twitter @RealRonSharon

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Veronica Mak

I'm a New York-based journalist covering business, celebrity and entertainment news at Josep Vinaixa. I hold a master's degree from New York University of Journalism.

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