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Beyoncé slays in her skintight red dress

Beyoncé. Soucre: Instagram @Beyonce


Beyoncé slays in her skintight red dress

Beyoncé never ceases to be one of the sexiest women alive and her latest Instagram only helps to further this reputation even more. Her fierce and feminine style was captured perfectly in the form-fitting red dress she recently showed off to her followers. On-stage, in front of the camera or in the street, Beyoncé slays all-day-long. We are simply not worthy to look upon her.

Beyoncé didn’t bother to caption the photos, because they really do say everything you need to know. In that sense, the pop/rnb singer has always been able to communicate more through her physical presence and unquestionable status as a sex symbol, where no words are necessary.

Her fans were delighted to discover she didn’t just upload one image, but several showing her amazing hair and makeup in more detail. She has a half-up-half down with a braid at the top to complete the look.

Her husband Jay-Z jumped in a few other pics, although he definitely wasn’t trying to complete with his wife in the outfit department. Jay-Z wore something casual, but still very stylish. As always, this veteran Hollywood power couple is immune from fashion criticism simply because of how effortlessly incredible they manage to look together.

In a video, Beyoncé can be seen doing cross eyes and a fish face, showing her light-hearted side. It’s good to know that someone who’s so disarmingly attractive can still be down-to-earth and not take themselves too seriously all the time.

Beyoncé definitely spoils her fans with pictures like this one. Hopefully there is more to come!

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